Tuesday, August 25


It has already been emphasized that with changing role the challenges of Hospital has increased two-fold in complex modern Hospitals today.
The challenges are not faced from within the hospital only, but from outside and in view of first development in modern technology.
Internally the Hospitals are not only facing the crunch of trained administrators but also there is an acute shortage of financial, personal, and material resources. There is a shortage of adequate trained manpower in modern medical applications. The apathy of doctors, nurses, and medical staff due to increase pressure of work.  Ever-increasing demands by patients for new technology.
Externally, the competitive market, concern for quality and rapid expansion to meet the patient’s aspiration. Over and above, the Hospitals have to comply with Govt. Laws and Acts.
Patient satisfaction and Public relation are emerging as greater challenges for hospitals to tackle with.
In an environment full of challenges has made the management to find new management techniques to cope with.
What are the challenges of the hospital and how to overcome them are described in this presentation to give an idea?

Hospital Administration Made Easy
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