Friday, October 16


A complete disaster plan needs to be prepared for fire management in the hospital
It is activated when the hospital buildings are affected in fire disaster. Action plan should clearly mention:
  •  Alternate site (dharmashala,Temple,Schools,Playground nearby)
  •  Stoking of Folding tents, cots, trolleys for temporary shelters
  •  Identify a nearby tent house to provide beds, blankets in need 
  •  Transport for transportation of cases to alternate sites or hospital
  •  First aid and drug kits, portable lights.
  •  Portable communication system.
  •  Identify local voluntary organization, who can provide services of care, food and water.
There are basically two types of fire management systems.
  1. Central
  2. Local
Central system comprises of Water tank, water hydrants, connecting pipes water sprinklers, smoke detectors and fire alarms.
  • The local system comprises of fire extinguishers, and fire fighting equipments
  • The staff is regularly trained to use these equipments.
  • Fire protection should be incorporated in the building plan it self
  • The “National Building Code of India”, 1980, issued by the Indian Standards Institution, serves as excellent references to safety management for infrastructures.
There should be standard procedure for detection, communication and evacuation in case of fire. The presentation provides an outline about the fire control management and how to act in case of a fire disaster.

Hospital Administration Made Easy
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